Unlock Your Path to Healing and Community

Empowering Veterans on a Journey to Wholeness Through Meditation, Nature, Peer Support, and Transformational Experiences


Do you feel lost in the aftermath of military service?

Life after service can be challenging. Many veterans struggle to find a sense of purpose, dealing with the lingering effects of trauma and the complexities of transition.

I have been there too.

As a fellow veteran, I understand the darkness you might be facing. But there's a way forward—a path to healing that goes beyond the traditional approaches. Read about my Journey!

Begin Your Journey

Discover the Power of Holistic Healing

Welcome to Finding Light in the Darkness, where we believe in a holistic approach to healing. Through meditation, contemplation, and a supportive community, we guide veterans on a transformative journey toward wholeness.

Join us on a path to recovery and resilience.

Rooted in Experience, Guided by Compassion

Our founder, George Wallace, a retired Army veteran with over 30 years of service, embarked on a personal healing journey. Now, he's dedicated to sharing the tools and insights that helped him find light in the darkness.

We offer:

  • Free community support for all veterans
  • Transformational courses for those ready to become pathfinders
  • Expert guidance and resources for your journey
Begin Your Journey

Experience the Difference and Become A Pathfinder

Explore our free community support or take the next step with our transformative courses. Find solace in the wisdom of nature and the power of community. Your healing journey is unique, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.

Ready to reclaim your life?

Find Your Path Today
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